

112學年度學位服登記借用 Cap and Gown Rental


Please fill in the following form for renting the cap and gown for Fall 2023. If there's any question, please dial extension 2376 for Ms. Fang. 


學碩士服請由左到右填入XL-L-M-S 件數,例如借用XL 2件、L 1件、M 3件及S 5件,請於欄位中依序填寫2-1-3-5。

When filling in the sizes for Master's and Bachelor's gowns, please follow the order XL-L-M-S from the left-hand to the right-hand column. For example, please fill in 2-1-3-5 if you would like to rent 2 pieces of XL, 1 piece of L, 3 pieces of M, and 5 pieces of S.     尺寸Sizes:XL: 175cm or above, L: 174 ~ 168cm, M: 167 ~ 162cm, S: under 161cm.)

博士服僅分LM,請由左到右填入件數,例如借用L 2件、M 1件,請於欄位中依序填寫0-2-1-0。

Doctoral Gown offers L and M sizes only. When filling in the renting pieces of each size, please follow the order L-M from the left-hand to the right-hand column.

For example, please fill in 0-2-1-0 if you would like to rent 2 pieces of L & 1 piece of M.  (尺寸Sizes:L: 160cm or aboveMunder 160cm)

(格式為西元年//(YYYY/MM/DD 並自備紙箱或大袋子)

Fill in Year/ Month/ Day. Box or bag shall be prepared by the renter.


Rental fee for each piece

Doctor’s: NT$ 400.

Master’s: NT$ 250.

Bachelor’s: NT$ 200.


Notice: the receipt of payment is required when picking up the gowns.


請附加電子檔並於領取衣服時繳交申請單紙本 (博士袍申請單學碩士袍申請單),謝謝。

Please submit the application form (DoctoralMaster's & Bachelor's) when picking up the academic gown. Please also submit a printed copy.


Filled in by Property Management Division, NSYSU.

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